
MEF in Asp.Net MVC 4 and WebApi

MEF stands for “Microsoft Extensibility Framework”. If you want an overview of MEF, you can look here. In this post we will integrated MEF with Asp.Net MVC 4 and with the WebApi.

Asp.Net MVC 4

First of all you need to reference the “System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll” assembly which contains the implementation of MEF. Now where are going to create a MEF controller factory. Like the name says, it will be responsible to create the controller that is requested.

public class MefControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
       private readonly CompositionContainer _compositionContainer;

       public MefControllerFactory(CompositionContainer compositionContainer)
           _compositionContainer = compositionContainer;

       protected override IController GetControllerInstance(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
           var export = _compositionContainer.GetExports(controllerType, null, null).SingleOrDefault();

           IController result;

           if (null != export)
               result = export.Value as IController;
               result = base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType);
           return result;

The MefcontrollerFactory will inherit from the DefaultControllerFactory and has a constructor that accepts a CompositionContainer. To plug in MEF, the GetControllerInstance methode will be overridden. First will look in our exports if something is defined for the requested controller type. Mark that the SingleOrDefault method is used because if more exports are defined for a controller, an exception will be throw. If this exception is thrown, something is wrong with the configuration of the CompositionContainer. If a single export is found, we’ll get the object from the Value property.

If the export isn’t found, the base method will be invoked. That way, the controller is created the default-way. When the controller is created, the ComposeParts method on the CompositionContainer is invoked. This will resolve the needed import for the controller.

This is the object that will be injected. The GetMessage method will return a string that will be shown on the view.
public interface IMyTest{
    String GetMessage();

public class MyTest1 : IMyTest{
    public MyTest1()
        creationDate = DateTime.Now;

    public string GetMessage()
        return String.Format("MyTest1 created at {0}", creationDate.ToString("hh:mm:ss")) ;

    private DateTime creationDate;

The Export attribute says to MEF that this class can be exported. The type of IMyTest is pasted as a parameter. This indicates the contract that is used. So when an IMyTest is requested from MEF, an object of MyTest1 is returned.
public class HomeController : Controller{
    private IMyTest _myTest;

    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewBag.Message = _myTest.GetMessage();

        return View();

The HomeController is marked for export and an import attribute is put on the “_mytest” property. Of course we still need to configure MVC to use our MefControllerFactorty. To accomplish this, is created a static class with one static public method (RegisterMef). This method will create a Mef CompositionContainer and pass this container to the MefControllerFactory. This MefControllerFactory will be set as the controller factory for MVC. To configure the CompositionContainer an AssemblyCatalog is used.
public static class MefConfig{
    public static void RegisterMef()
        var container = ConfigureContainer();

        ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MefControllerFactory(container));
        var dependencyResolver = System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver;

    private static CompositionContainer ConfigureContainer()
        var assemblyCatalog = new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
        var container = new CompositionContainer(assemblyCatalog);
        return container;

The RegisterMef method will be called form the Application_Start method that resides in the global.asax.
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication{
     protected void Application_Start()



When the Index action for the HomeController is requested through the browser, everything works just fine but when it is requested it again, an exception is thrown.

A single instance of controller 'MvcApplication5.Controllers.HomeController' cannot be used to handle multiple requests. If a custom controller factory is in use, make sure that it creates a new instance of the controller for each request.

This exception is thrown because the lifetime of the controller is linked to the lifetime of the CompositionContainer. The container keeps a reference to all the objects that it has created. If the same object is requested, the reference of the previous object is given. There are 2 ways to solve this problem.

You could pass an instance of a ComposablePartCatalog (in this case the AssemblyCatalog) to the MefControllerFactorty. Then in the “GetControllerInstance” method always compose a new CompositionContainer to resolve the controller. Personally I'm not really found about that.

The other solution is to use a CreatonPolicy. If we put a CreationPolicy of “NonShared” on the HomeController, a new instance of the HomeController is created from scratch every time it gets requested. Since this a standard feature of MEF, I'll use this solution.
public class HomeController : Controller{
    private IMyTest _myTest;

    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewBag.Message = _myTest.GetMessage();

        return View();

Now we can request the controller as many times as we want.


This is the created WebApi controller. Mark that the controller also has a CreationPolicy defined. This is for the same reason a mentioned above.
public class HomeController : ApiController{
    private IMyTest _myTest;

    public String GetMessage()
        return _myTest.GetMessage();

To plug in MEF in the WebApi a object needs to be created from the System.Web.Http.Dependencies.IDependencyResolver interface. This is how the object looks like.
public class MefDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver{
    private readonly CompositionContainer _container;
    public MefDependencyResolver(CompositionContainer container)
        _container = container;

    public IDependencyScope BeginScope()
        return this;

    public object GetService(Type serviceType)
        var export = _container.GetExports(serviceType, null, null).SingleOrDefault();

        return null != export ? export.Value : null;

    public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
        var exports =_container.GetExports(serviceType, null, null);
        var createdObjects = new List<object>();

        if ( exports.Any())
            foreach (var export in exports)

        return createdObjects;

    public void Dispose()

The “BeginScope” method returns a scope in with the create objects will life. Since we are going to use MEF to control the lifetime of the created objects, we can do a return of “this”.  We can do this because the IDependencyResolver inherits form IDependencyScope. If you really need a limited scope per request, the “BeginScope” method always needs to return a new object of type IDependencyScope.

You also need to implement a “Dispose” method to release the used resources. In the MefDependencyResolver, it isn’t implemented. This is because we return the current instance in the “BeginScope” method. If we disposed the CompositionContainer, we could only request the service once.

Right now, the only thing needed, is the register the create MefDependencyResolver. This will be done in the modified MefConfig class.
public static class MefConfig
       public static void RegisterMef()
           var container = ConfigureContainer();

           ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MefControllerFactory(container));
           var dependencyResolver = System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver;
           System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new MefDependencyResolver(container);

       private static CompositionContainer ConfigureContainer()
           var assemblyCatalog = new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
           var container = new CompositionContainer(assemblyCatalog);
           return container;

The example can be downloaded from here.


  1. Hi, this looks interesting and I was trying to use this pattern in a solution where my controllers are hosted into several different assemblies used like plugins. The idea would be uploading a DLL and some views into the server, and let MEF discover and use them as needed. So I tried creating a dummy solution with a class library project including a controller to be imported with this mechanism. I just modified the code to use a MEF DirectoryCatalog pointing to my plugins folder and then created a test MVC solution, with a single plugin in a class library. BUT, when I try loading the plugin controller the framework calls my factory GetControllerInstance with a null type. Here is a complete repro dummy solution: http://www.filedropper.com/mvcplugins , probably I'm missing something obvious. Any advice?

  2. Your link to your project doesn't work. If you fix the link I would be happy to take a look.

  3. I think Mr. Anonymous above probably should have used an AggregateCatalog where it adds both the current executing assembly and the DirectoryCatalog. Once that is done everything works fine in my tests.

  4. Kenny,
    I've been trying to implement my MVC project the way you've suggested above but when I put it under a load test scenario I get the following error:

    Currently composing another batch in this ComposablePartExportProvider. Only one batch can be composed at a time.

    Is there a better way place to put the imports so that it doesn't run into this problem? The error occurs in the GetControllerInstance(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType) method when attempting the following line: _compositionContainer.ComposeParts(result);

    1. Is it possible to send me your code? kenny.tordeur@gmail.com

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  5. FWIW - in order to get this working, the only thing you need to do is create the MefDependencyResolver. The custom controller factory isn't necessary. All you need to then do is add a method that does something like this in the Global.asax.cs:

    protected void Compose()
    var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();

    catalog.Catalogs.Add( new AssemblyCatalog( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() ) );

    this.container = new CompositionContainer( catalog );

    this.container.ComposeParts( this );
    catch ( CompositionException cEx )
    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine( cEx.ToString() );

    GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new MefDependencyResolver( this.container );

    I find it unfortunate that the MVC dependency resolver is separate from the Web API. I understand the reasons for it, but it still bothers me that in a single solution, I have 2 different IoC solutions.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I thought I had this but I was still referencing the MefConfig, so far I've been unable to implement your suggestion. I moved the Compose() method into the Application_Start but it's not resolving the catalogs. In the controller, the catalog is null at runtime.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi, is it possible if we use [ImportingConstructor] like this

      public class HomeController : Controller
      public HomeComller(IMyTest mytest)
      this._mytest = mytest;

  7. Hi,

    Thanks for this tutorial.

    I am trying to build a MVC5 application with a plug-able architecture like Orchard CMS. So I have a MVC application which will be the startup project and take care of auth, navigation etc. Then there will be multiple modules built separately as asp.net web applications(with reference to web.mvc) and have controllers, views, data repos etc.

    With your above example I am able to import the controllers from the modules.. but it is looking for the views inside of the startup project. Is there a way to make the controllers from the modules look for views inside the module project itself?

    Also what are your thoughts on using MEF as a dependency resolver as compared to others like Ninject, Castle, etc.

    Thanks a lot.


    1. And one more thing.. This example did not work when the project is spread over multiple .dlls

      It works if you add a reference to the module project - which defies the point of MEF all together.


    2. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21017036/mef-with-mvc-4-or-5-pluggable-architecture-2014

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  9. Same issue as Eriq - "Currently composing another batch in this ComposablePartExportProvider. Only one batch can be composed at a time." - Did anyone ever solve it?

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    Say i have a project A which has a model and import interface
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